Useful WordPress Plugins – Part 2
Welcome to the second part of the three part series of Useful WordPress Plugins. We have tried to build on the first part and have tried again to share our knowledge about some useful plugins which might help you WordPress users. As always, suggestions and feedback are very welcome.
1.Contact Form DB(CFDB)
The Contact Form DB plugin stores the copies of all Contact form submissions in your WordPress database. All form entries and leads will be stored safely even if your e-mail goes down or e-mail messages gets deleted. While displaying saved data in posts and pages, use short codes such as [cfdb-html], [cfdb-table], [cfdb-datatable], [cfdb-value] and [cfdb-json] to view and display the data on a non-admin page on your website. Also, use the short code builder page to set short code options.
All form submissions are stored in the WordPress backend in addition to being sent via e-mail. E-mail delivery is never 100% reliable and having a backup of all contact entries will ensure you never miss a lead or inquiry. Export form submissions as CSV for Excel.
Each export entry saves the following details about the submission:
Time and date of the entry.
E-mail address of the contact form recipient.
Subject line of the e-mail that was sent to the contact form recipient.
All attachments uploaded to the contact form.
Post or page URL where the contact form was submitted.
IP address, browser and device information of the submission.
Link to the setup page of the contact form that was used for submission.
After installing the plugin, the database schema created would be able to capture data from the following plugins also:
JetPack Contact Form plugin
Contact Form 7 (CF7) plugin
Fast Secure Contact Form (FSCF) plugin
Gravity Forms plugin
WR ContactForm plugin
Quform plugin (BETA)
Ninja Forms plugin (BETA)
Caldera Forms plugin (BETA)
Enfold theme forms
2.Pure Chat
Pure Chat is another simple, yet powerful chatting widget that allows your website visitors to instantly chat with your customers. Pure chat allows you to chat in real time with the visitors of your WordPress website.
Pure Chat makes it quite easy to add Live Chat for WordPress websites.
The default Pure Chat window is stylish and commands attention, making it a great way to encourage visitors to interact with you.
Using this plugin, you can change the anonymous visitors of your website into leads, with live chat enabled on your website.
Save your time by chatting with multiple leads and customers at once instead of talking to them on the phone or waiting for their responses through email.
Using the scheduling feature, you can easily set the schedule or set yourself as available or unavailable on pre-planned days and times.
3.WP Google Maps
WordPress Google Maps plugin is one of the easiest plugins to use, which is used to create unlimited locations, add a customized Google map to your WordPress posts or pages quickly and easily with the supplied shortcode.
This plugin has perfectly responsive maps, Multi-lingual and multisite supported, which made it one of the most advanced WordPress plugin ever. It is a super easy to use plugin with no fuss. This plugin is perfect for contact page maps, routes, maps showing delivery areas and any other use you can think of.
Route your journey across multiple travel location with this plugin and you will start loving them. With the help of pointers you can easily add titles, description and much more details on your travel details on the map.
Make the Google map plugin blend perfectly with your website theme and also structure with correct width and height by inputting them in the plugin options.
You can add any number of fields in location details and display them in info window.
Assign multiple categories to a location.
Choose to redirect to a location or display info window message on marker click.
Export and import locations in to CSV, EXCEL, JSON and XML format.
Fetch locations from external data source
Show any number of google maps on a single map.
Searchable listing in the backend to manage the location easily.
Fetch the latitude, longitude, city, country, state and zip-code automatically when you type address in input field. Responsive maps and Map widget functionality
4.WP Mega Menu
WP Mega Menu is a powerful and easy to use plugin for creating beautiful, customized menus for your site.
This plugin does not require any setup and it has tons of options to choose from, and the ability to show categories, subcategories and posts.
WP MegaMenu is a must have plugin which boosts the SEO and user engagement.
With a full grid system built in and individual layout controls for each menu item, it’s easier to build gorgeous mega menu layouts using this plugin.
Create widgetized and beautiful mega menus using the built in visual mega menu builder.
Easily Add Images
Custom Content & Widgets
Unlimited colors variations, 600+ google fonts
Build submenu content dynamically from posts and terms
Drag and drop Mega Menu builder
Display WordPress Widgets in your menu
Awesome responsive menu plugin
WordPress itself is a very secure platform. However, there is always a demand to safeguard your website or blog from potential hackers. By using a security plugin that enforces a lot of good security practices, you can make sure that your site is even more secure. One of the best ways to get rid of these security threats is to use a WordPress security plugin.
The Wordfence security plugin provides free enterprise-class WordPress security and it continuously prevents, patrols and protects your WordPress website(s) against today’s ultra-advanced cyber attacks, hacks and online security threats. It is the most downloaded WordPress security plugin for WordPress websites.
It repeatedly monitors your website or blog and protects it from humans and robots who are trying to harm it.
Wordfence does a deep scan of all your files, posts and comments for any URL that are listed as dangerous on the Google Safe Browsing list. It also scans your site’s entries in DNS (Domain Name System) to make sure that they haven’t been changed and it also alerts you about any changes.
It scans the WordPress base directory and checks for the data which is linked with malicious activity like encoded backdoors and vulnerabilities.
Wordfence is the only plugin which gives high level of diagnostic information and control.It secures your website and makes it up to 50 times faster. It offers a Premium API key that provides services like, Premium Support, Country Blocking, Scheduled Scans, Password Auditing and Spamvertize. Fully IPv6 compatible including all whois lookup, location, blocking and security functions.
Some of the added features are,
Blocking Features
Login Security
WordPress Firewall
Monitoring Features
Multi-Site Security
Caching Features
Posted by admin Posted on 2016-07-13 -
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